R&D Engineer| Robotics Orchard Simulation

  • Starting in november
  • Oldenzaal, Overijssel
  • Internship allowance

RIWO works on automation of low-value labor in agricultural and industrial applications. This labor is characterized by high repetition rates and a high load on the body; it becomes increasingly difficult to find people to do this labor. It is expected that robot applications will help keep productivity high with less people required in this unattractive jobs. 

RIWO participates in the development of a robotic apple picker. This apple picker is a complex robotic system consisting of various subsystems. For the control and integration on the subsystems the Robot Operating System 2 (ROS2). This open source platform provides a broad collection of state of the art functionality for a variety of robotic systems. Because the apple harvesting season is only a few weeks per year, we rely on simulation and ‘mock ups’ for testing system functionality most of the year.

Your assignment

Currently we only have a very minimal visual dynamic simulation of a robot arm, camera’s, apples and trees to verify the apple picking algorithms. The goal is to set up a proper visual representation of the orchard visuals (bright sunlight, wet apples, etc.), and the orchard dynamics (branch bends when you move against it). A second goal would be to include apple ripeness and apple quality in the simulation, as we need to be able to quantify this in the next stage of the project.

How we work

All of our student assignments are all related to ongoing R&D projects, so your input may end up in a real product at one of our customers.

At our department we work in with the Agile/SCRUM workflow. At the start of you assignment you will write a problem description in your own words, to see if you clearly understand the goal of the assignment.

Then for each 3-week sprint you write a sprint report where you discuss the process, implementation and results of the finished sprint and determine the functional requirements and planning for the upcoming sprint. At the end of your assignment you will present your achievements to the company in the form of a presentation and demonstration.

Your internship at RIWO

We like curious, enthusiastic and independent students who want to look back on a meaningful internship period. With us, you get a lot of freedom to develop yourself, with personal supervision. Take control of your assignment, tailor it yourself. Your ideas are welcome!

To successfully complete this internship assignment, one of the following educational programs is desirable:

  • (applied) computer science
  • (applied) creative media

If you are excited about the assignment and doubt whether your background fits? Then don't hesitate to contact Floor. You can reach her at f.campfens@riwo.eu.

All internship students receive a internship allowance.

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